Meet Rob, an impaired risk specialist at Reassured and dedicated protection expert.
He joined the company over 13 years ago, starting in the customer retention team and helping to develop our impaired risk service shortly after.
Our impaired risk service specialises in finding suitable cover for customers who may be deemed as non-standard (or ‘high-risk’) by insurers because of their health or lifestyle.
Rob and his team work tirelessly day to day to support applicants with pre-existing medical conditions, dangerous jobs and high-risk hobbies, so that more families have access to the financial protection they need should the worst happen.
Our impaired risk team are proud to help around 1,000 customers a month who’ve been declined or postponed policies in the past.
Rob uses his expert knowledge and industry experience to provide valuable insight into the world of insurance for people who may find it more difficult to get the cover they need.
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