We have reviewed all of our products and services, customer communications whether written, digital or phone base, and processes to ensure that they comply with the new, making the necessary changes in line with the requirements of the Duty, specifically the four outcomes.
We have also taken careful consideration in reviewing our vulnerable customers process to ensure that they’re appropriately supported.
As a protection intermediary, we have also proactively engaged with the Insurers on our panel so we can ensure that we understand their readiness of meeting the Duty requirements and that our ongoing calibration is evidenced through our regular governance meetings, providing us with an opportunity to identify and discuss any areas that do not support the achievement of good customer outcomes.
This will enable us to demonstrate how we review and monitor good customers outcomes more clearly across the entire customer journey, alongside our own internal customer outcomes MI.
At Reassured, we believe that Consumer Duty provided an opportunity and enabled us to further enhance our customer engagement, services and product offering.