Teacher’s income protection

Income protection could help teachers to protect up to 70% of their usual income.

There are currently 624,520 full time teachers in the UK[1] and while you’ll likely benefit from a sick pay scheme, this may not be sufficient to cover everything for you and your loved ones if you were left unable to work for a long period of time.

By taking out a personal income protection policy you can help to ‘top up’ your sick pay entitlement to provide a more comprehensive solution to protect your salary.

This can help you to carry on with your current lifestyle, reducing the need to make drastic cutbacks or rely on financial help from others.

Reassured can help teachers find the right policy to meet their needs at the best available price.

A helpful member of our advised team can provide you with quotes from the whole of the market starting from just 20p-a-day.

Simply get in touch for your free quotes for teachers.

What is income protection for teachers?

Income protection for teachers (or teachers income protection) is simply a standard income protection policy which is taken out by a teacher.

If you were to fall ill or become injured during your policy’s term, you could make a claim and receive up to 70% of your income (depending on the provider) in monthly (tax-free) payments.

When making an income protection claim, you’ll need to wait for a ‘deferred period’ to pass before you’ll start receiving payments (usually you have the option of 4, 8, 13, 26 and 52 weeks).

Payments will only commence if you’re still incapacitated after this time.

As a teacher, you could set your deferred period to around the time your sick pay comes to an end or at the point you start receiving half pay.

This can help you to top up your finances and provide additional cover in case your illness or injury is more long term.

To find out more about income protection why not contact Reassured?

Do teacher’s need income protection?

Income protection for teachers can be extremely beneficial in helping to replace lost income and topping up your sick pay.

For most teachers, your sick pay entitlement will be outlined in the Burgundy Book (which details the national agreement on conditions of service for teachers) and is as follows:

Length of serviceSick pay entitlement
During your 1st year of serviceAfter completing four months service, you’ll receive 25 working days of full pay followed half pay for 50 working days
During your 2nd year of serviceYou’ll receive 50 working days of full pay followed half pay for 50 working days
During your 3rd year of serviceYou’ll receive 75 working days of full pay followed half pay for 75 working days
During your 4th year of serviceYou’ll receive 100 working days of full pay followed half pay for 100 working days

Source: https://neu.org.uk/advice/teachers-sick-pay-and-sick-leave-entitlement

For schools that follow the Burgundy Book, this is the minimum sick pay allowance that can be received.

Some local authorities may improve upon this, whereas free schools, academies and independent schools may have their own schemes that differ.

As this scheme is generous, in comparison to many other occupations, it can pose the question; do teachers really need income protection?

Teacher’s sick pay runs from April to April each year, meaning your sick pay entitlement will need to last you a year at a time (your entitlement won’t start again each time you’re off sick).

For minor colds, flu and broken bones, this amount is likely to be plenty. But, if you were to develop a more long-term health condition, would this be enough?

Your entitlement also doesn’t include bank holidays, school holidays or weekends. You’ll only receive sick pay on working days.

Therefore, it can be beneficial to have other forms of protection in place (such as income protection) to provide additional financial aid during the times you’re receiving half pay, or no pay at all.

Enquire with the team at Reassured about the best way to protect your teacher salary.

How much teachers income protection do you need?

Enter your monthly financial commitments to work out the amount of income protection you may require as a teacher.


£723 a month is the average monthly mortgage payment in the UK, with the average monthly rental price coming in at £700.

The majority of our monthly income will go towards rental or mortgage payments.

For this reason, it’s essential to have precautions in place to ensure you could keep up to date with your payments if you weren’t receiving your usual income.

Monthly income protection payments can help to cover this large expense and ensure you can stay in your home.


According to the Money Advice Service, the average household spends £340 a month on household bills.

This includes electricity, gas, TV and broadband.


Childcare costs are on the rise with it now costing £137.69 per week for part-time nursery for a child under the age of two.

That’s over £550 per month - is this an amount you’d be able to keep up with if you were unable to work?

Becoming ill could also result in the need for additional childcare while you attend doctors’ appointments or medical treatment.


The average household in the UK spends around £97 a week on their food shop, totaling £388 a month.

While this may seem like a small amount in comparison to some of the other expenses mentioned, the food shop is often where we try to scrimp and save when we fall on hard times.

Income protection can take care of the cost of your weekly food shop, as well as many other essential costs.


At the beginning of 2020, credit card debt in the UK was at £2.1 billion, with almost 27 million UK residents in some kind of debt.

Becoming unable to work could make it hard to keep up with credit card or loan payments (including car finance or other financed goods).

Failure to keep up with payments could result in additional interest being incurred or late fees issues - resulting in a higher total needing to be paid.


The average spent on public transport each month comes to an average of £94.

This includes the cost of public transport, as well as petrol and diesel vehicles.

While this amount may reduce while you’re unable to work as you won’t need to commute there may be additional spending on public transportation if your illness or injury leaves you unable to drive.


Your total cover estimate

£ 0

Let us find your best quotes.

Will teaching affect my income protection?

Being a teacher may not negatively affect your income protection application.

During the application you’ll need to provide information about your occupation, such as your job role and current salary.

As a profession, teaching is generally considered low-risk, however, the following could impact your application:

  • If you’re a teacher that frequently travels overseas to teach in countries that are in civil unrest, in the midst of war or have an outbreak of disease
  • If you’re a teacher that frequently works in hazardous environments (such as laboratories) with dangerous chemicals

Why not contact Reassured to find the best teacher’s income protection to meet your needs?

What does income protection for teachers cover?

Income protection can cover you for a wide range of illnesses and injuries.

Most income protection policies come with an ‘own occupation definition of incapacity’, which means you can make a claim for any illness or injury that prevents you from working as a teacher.

Work-related stress is extremely prevalent in teachers[2]. Many income protection policies cover mental health conditions such as stress and depression, meaning if you were to develop one of these conditions throughout your career, it could be covered by your policy.

In fact, top provider Aviva, found that their most common income protection claims in 2023 were for:

  • Musculoskeletal injuries - 27%
  • Mental health - 24%[3]

The monthly payments you receive from an income protection policy could help you to cover:


Mortgage payments

Average cost: £1,075 per month[4]

Cover rent cost


Average cost: £745 per month[5]

Bills utilities

Household bills

Average cost: £142 per month for energy bills, £167 for council tax, £34 on water bills and £44 for broadband £44[6]

Family living

Family living costs

Average cost: £2,700 per month[7]

Childcare cost baby

Childcare costs

Average cost: £302.10 per week for full time nursery[8]

Icons transport


Average cost: £348 per month[7]


Leisure costs

Average cost: £169 per month[7]


Debt/loan payments

Average cost: £4,287 (total unsecured debt per UK adult)[9]

Speaking to an expert, like Reassured, can help you find the right policy to cover your specific needs. Simply get in touch.

What’s the best income protection for teachers?

The best income protection for teachers will be the policy that best helps to support your teacher’s sick pay scheme.

When securing income protection, you have the option of a short-term policy or a long-term policy:

  • Short-term income protection will pay out to you for a maximum of 1 - 5 years. This means when this period comes to an end your payments will cease (regardless of whether you have recovered and returned to work or not)
  • Long-term income protection can pay out to you until the very end of your policy. This can be particularly beneficial if your incapacity prevents you from returning to work. Your policy could help to provide you with some form of income for the rest of your working life
Short term income protection

Short-term income protection for teachers:

  • Will pay out on a short-term basis (often 1 - 2 years but could be a maximum of 5 years with some providers)
  • Policy term could last until you’re 70
  • Can be possible to make multiple claims throughout the policy lifetime
  • Premiums tend to be cheaper due to the shorter payment period
  • Ideal for teachers who are on a budget or who are just looking for a small amount of cover to help top up their sick pay
  • Available through Reassured from 20p-a-day
Long-term income protection

Long-term income protection for teachers:

  • Will pay out on a long-term basis (this could be full term up until you reach retirement)
  • Policy term could last until you’re 70
  • Could provide payments for the rest of your working life (if you’re unable to return to work)
  • Premiums can be more expensive due to the longer payment period
  • Ideal for teachers who want a more comprehensive cover solution
  • Available through Reassured from 20p-a-day

Regardless of whether you take out a short-term or long-term income protection policy, there are certain policy features you should be aware of in order to ensure your cover best meets your needs:

Benefit Amount

Benefit amount: This is the amount that will be paid out to you. Typically, this will be between 50% - 70% of your usual earnings (although this can vary between providers) in monthly tax-free payments.

Policy Term

Policy term: This is how long you’ll be covered for. You have the freedom to choose a term length that meets your needs (perhaps until you retire). Although most providers will require that your policy ceases before age 70.

Definition of Incapacity

Definition of incapacity: This refers to what makes you eligible to make a claim. Most policies will come with an own occupation definition, so you claim if you’re unable to work as a teacher.

Deferred Period clock

Deferred period: This the time that must pass before your payments will commence, most commonly this will an agreed time between 4 - 52 weeks. If you’re still unable to work after this time, your payments will commence.

Premium Type

Premium type: This is how you’ll pay for your cover. Premiums can remain the same (guaranteed) change over time (reviewable) or increase as you get older (age-banded).

Reassured can help find the best teachers income protection, simply get in touch for your fee-free and personalised quotes.

How much is income protection for teachers?

Income protection can be taken out by teachers from just 20p-a-day through Reassured.

However, the exact price you pay for your cover will depend on your personal circumstances.

During the application process, you’ll need to provide key information. This includes:

  • Age
  • Smoking status
  • Health & wellbeing
  • Occupation
  • Lifestyle
  • Payment period
  • Policy term
  • Deferred period
  • Definition of incapacity
  • Premium type

Being a teacher is unlikely to affect the price that you pay, as it’s considered a low-risk occupation.

If any personal factors are flagged that could be considered high-risk (such as smoking or having a pre-existing medical condition) you may experience an increase in your premiums.

The table below shows example income protection quotes.

Quotes are based on a teacher with an annual income of £30,000, who is a non-smoker and in good health. The policy term is until age 65, with a 6-month deferred period and guaranteed premiums:

AgeShort-term price a month (2-year payment period)Long-term price per month (full-term payment period)

The table shows the younger you are, the cheaper your premiums. Taking out cover as soon as possible can help you to secure the most favourable premium over the lifetime of your policy.

Comparing quotes is also key to finding the most affordable income protection premiums for your personal circumstances.

Compare income protection for teachers through Reassured from just 20p-a-day.

Do teachers have life insurance?

No, as a teacher you don’t receive life insurance through your employer.

However, most teachers will receive death in service benefit. This is a lump sum payment (usually a multiple of your salary) that will be made to your loved ones if you pass away while in employment.

For teachers, most commonly, 3x your salary will be paid out (but this can vary).

While this payment could help to ease the financial stress of your passing, it’s unlikely to cover all costs for your loved ones.

It can be beneficial to have your own personal life insurance policy, alongside your death in service benefit, to provide a greater level of cover for your loved ones.

It’s important to note that, if you leave your career as a teacher, your death in service won’t come with you - highlighting even more the importance of having your own cover in place.

Life insurance for teachers starts from just 20p-a-day through Reassured, so why not get in touch for your personalised and fee-free quotes?

We have a dedicated teacher’s life insurance page if you require more information »

Do teacher’s have critical illness cover?

No, teacher’s do not receive critical illness cover as standard. However, through the teacher’s pension scheme, you’re eligible for ill health cover.

This will pay out an early portion of your pension if you’re unable to work due to ill health - similar to critical illness cover.

Critical illness cover will pay out a lump sum if you’re diagnosed with a serious illness.

Both critical illness cover and ill health cover can help you to replace lost income or pay for any private medical treatment.

However, when claiming on ill health cover through the teachers’ pension scheme, you’ll lose part of your pension.

Having your own personal cover in place, such income protection or critical illness cover, can allow you to replace lost income without having to dip into your retirement plan.

Reassured can help you compare a range a personal plans from the whole of the market, allowing you to secure the best deal.

What about part time teachers and supply teachers?

You’re eligible to take out income protection if you’re a part time teacher or supply teacher as long as you’re working over 16 hours per week.

Most income protection providers will require you to be working a minimum number of hours in order to take out income protection. Most commonly this is 16 hours, but could vary between providers.

As a part time teacher, you’re still entitled to sick pay as per the Burgundy Book. This is based on your salary and is up to 100 days full pay and 100 days at half pay.

However, as a supply teacher you don’t benefit from sick pay unless you are under a temporary contract (lasting for longer than a term).

For this reason, income protection could be extremely beneficial to supply teachers in providing financial aid should you become too ill or injured to work.

It’s always best to talk your circumstances through with an expert to work out the best form of cover to meet your needs.

Why not contact Reassured where a friendly member of the team can provide you with all your options.

Can teachers get a discount on income protection?

It’s possible to get discounts and rewards when taking out income protection through discountsforteachers.co.uk.

Currently 10% cashback + a free will (worth £130) is being offered*.

While discounts and cashback can be enticing, what’s more important is ensuring your policy provides the right level of cover and is at a price within your budget.

The level of cover required by most often results in cheap premiums, meaning 10% cashback is unlikely to result in a huge financial reward.

Compare teachers’ income protection quotes

You put your heart and soul into teaching, so why not protect your salary?

Reassured can help you compare quotes from the whole of the market, allowing you to find the best income protection for teachers.

A friendly member of the team can also help you to compare a range of other policies (including life insurance and critical illness cover) to help you find the right policy (or policies) for your needs.

All quotes through Reassured are fee-free and completely no-obligation.

Best of all, income protection premiums for teachers start from just 20p-a-day through Reassured.


[1] https://www.besa.org.uk/key-uk-education-statistics/

[2] https://neu.org.uk/advice/health-and-safety/mental-health-and-wellbeing

[3] https://connect.avivab2b.co.uk/adviser/articles/news/protection/Our-2023-individual-protection-claims-results/

[4] https://www.theguardian.com/money/article/2024/jun/24/mortgage-of-first-time-buyer-tops-1000-a-month-as-house-prices-and-rates-rise

[5] https://www.spareroom.co.uk/content/info-landlords/average-rent-uk/

[6] https://www.zoopla.co.uk/discover/buying/what-bills-will-i-have-when-i-own-a-house/

[7] https://www.nimblefins.co.uk/average-uk-household-budget

[8] https://www.daynurseries.co.uk/advice/childcare-costs-how-much-do-you-pay-in-the-uk

[9] https://themoneycharity.org.uk/money-statistics/

[10] https://www.theguardian.com/education/2022/apr/11/teachers-england-plan-to-quit-workloads-stress-trust

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